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What is the difference between a 'determinant' and an 'indeterminate' tomato

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Determinate tomatoes and indeterminate tomatoes are two types of tomatoes that differ in their growth habit and fruit production. Here are the main differences between the two:

  1. Growth habit: Determinate tomatoes are characterized by a more compact growth habit and tend to grow to a specific height, typically around 3-4 feet. They then stop growing and focus on producing fruit. Indeterminate tomatoes, on the other hand, continue to grow and produce fruit throughout the season, often reaching heights of 6-8 feet or more.

  2. Fruit production: Determinate tomatoes typically produce their fruit all at once, over a period of a few weeks. This can make them a good choice for gardeners who want to can or preserve their tomatoes. Indeterminate tomatoes, on the other hand, produce their fruit continuously throughout the growing season, allowing for a longer harvest period.

  3. Pruning: Determinate tomatoes generally do not require pruning, as they stop growing and focus on producing fruit once they reach a certain height. Indeterminate tomatoes, on the other hand, may benefit from pruning to control their growth and improve fruit production.

Here are a few examples of determinate and indeterminate tomatoes:

Determinate tomatoes:

  • Celebrity
  • Early Girl
  • Roma
  • San Marzano

Indeterminate tomatoes (also known as vining tomoatoes):

  • Beefsteak
  • Big Boy
  • Brandywine
  • Cherokee Purple

Keep in mind that these are just a few examples, and there are many other determinate and indeterminate tomato varieties available. It is a good idea to research the specific growth habits and fruit production of the specific varieties you are considering to determine whether they are determinate or indeterminate.

Indeterminate/Vining tomatoes

A vining tomato is a type of tomato plant that produces long vines and tends to grow in a sprawling or climbing habit. Vining tomatoes typically produce a large number of small, cherry-sized tomatoes and are known for their sweet and juicy flavors.

Vining tomatoes are often grown on trellises or other support structures to help them grow upright and take up less space in the garden. They can be a good choice for gardeners with limited space, as they can be grown vertically and do not require a lot of horizontal space.

Some examples of vining tomatoes include:

  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Grape tomatoes
  • Currant tomatoes
  • Sungold tomatoes

Vining tomatoes are popular among gardeners and home cooks for their sweet and juicy flavors, versatility in cooking, and ease of cultivation. They can be grown in a variety of settings, including home gardens, greenhouses, and container gardens, and are a popular choice for preserving and canning.

Overall, determinate and indeterminate tomatoes are two types of tomatoes that differ in their growth habit and fruit production. Determinate tomatoes are more compact and produce their fruit all at once, while indeterminate tomatoes continue to grow and produce fruit throughout the season.

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